Sunday, 15 March 2009

Not In My Back Yard

Accuse me of being a NIMBY if you like, but I sure as hell don't like the idea of having a company start drilling for oil or gas just up the road from my house!

Where I live is on the edge of the Surrey Hills, which are classified as an 'Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty' (AONB). Given that status, you would think that planning rules should take that into account when someone applies to set up an industrial site in this area. Sure they'd throw those arguments at me if I wanted to build something that wasn't in keeping with the area, so why should a company (a bloody Australian company, at that) be permitted to ignore those rules?

I'll post more about this, but thought I'd initially post a link to the local action group that are campaigning against this exploration.

Please see TADPOLE - Tongham Against Development Plans On Local Environment at

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