Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Bullet-Proof Bras?

Article on the BBC news web site (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/7541675.stm) describing how the German police force now have a range of 'bullet-proof' bras for their female officers to wear under their bullet-proof vests.

Only dubbed bullet-proof bras, they have no metal or plastic fittings, which could be forced into/against the wearers body if a bullet is fired at their bullet proof vest. That makes some sort of sense, but I really have to question the validity of the claim

...which could help save the lives of thousands of women police officers here in Germany...

What are the statistics for the number of policer officers in Germany that have been shot and killed? And of those, how many were women? And of those women police officers that had been unfortunate enough to be shot and killed, how many were fatally wounded by the fastenings on their bra, rather than by the actual bullet?

Any at all?

Typical bullshit marketing claims, I am sure.

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